"The Pharisees
also came to Him, testing Him, and saying to Him, 'Is it lawful for a man to
divorce his wife for just any reason?' And
He answered and said to them, 'Have you not read that He who made them at the
beginning 'made them male and female,' and said, 'For this reason a man shall
leave his father and mother and be joined to his wife, and the two shall become
one flesh?' So then, they are no longer
two but one flesh. Therefore, what God
has joined together, let not man separate.' " (NKJV)
There are some significant
facts in this short exchange that need to be brought out.
(1) We learn from Jesus
that God made mankind male and female and that for a purpose, the purpose of joining together to become one flesh.
Now think about that. If the
purpose of making mankind male and female was so they could become one flesh
(obviously for godly purposes) then if a man mates with another man has he not
violated God's purpose for making him a man?
If not, why not? God did not make
man to become one flesh with another man.
(2) The wife in this
marriage scenario was a female. Jesus
speaks of the wife and makes it clear the wife is female (see verse 9 where the
reference is to "her"). Jesus
and the Pharisees agreed on that.
The marriage involved a male and a female. I do not know what a couple in a homosexual
relationship will call their partner if gay marriage is allowed but I know it
cannot be "wife" and be the truth.
If the relationship sours over time and there is a divorce who will be
divorced? It can't be a wife. Can you have a marriage without a wife? If so where in scripture do you find such a
marriage? I have never read of one in
scripture and neither have you and Jesus never knew of any either.
(3) We learn what God joined together was a
man and a woman, not a man and a man.
Does God join together a man and a man?
If so Jesus knew nothing about it.
If so find the scripture that shows it but I will tell you before you
begin it cannot be done. If God does the
joining together of a male and female in a marriage, and the Bible not once
indicates anything other than male and female, then who does the joining
together of male and male? Is it God or
man? This is an important point for the
text says God does the joining together.
Is God under obligation to accept man's invention, one that opposes
directly his purpose for making mankind male and female?
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