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 Table of Contents II

Who Rules--Reason or Emotions?

Demas Has Forsaken Me

Abortion - Luke 1 - All You Need to Know

Revelation Has Ended - Its Proof and Consequences

Canaan and Heaven - How God's Grace Gives

How We Are Reconciled to God by Grace

How Does One Get Into The Church Christ Built

Christian Wars -- A Misnomer

Faith Is Not Just What You Believe

For By Grace You Have Been Saved By Faith Alone

Faith and Baptism in Paul's Preaching at Philippi

Are the New Testament Scriptures Alone Sufficient

Healing For The Brokenhearted

Indifference -- The Great Destroyer

No Inheritance in The Kingdom Of God -- Part I

Redemption in Christ

No Inheritance in The Kingdom of God -- Part II

Peter's Second Gospel Sermon - Acts 3

Does Jesus' Baptism Condemn You?

No Inheritance in The Kingdom of God – Part III

Fear God

No Inheritance in The Kingdom of God - Part IV

Did Christ Rise From the Dead or is Faith Folly

Faith Based On Deception -- Gen. 37:31-33

Faith Comes by Hearing the Word of God -- the Implications

Faith in the New Testament--Different Meanings

Christianity and Multiculturalism

Born Again At The Point of Faith? - John 1:12-13

Christ and Baptism in Colossians

Does God Really Care?

Abuse of The Old Testament

One Church--A Thing Hard to Accept

Finding Truth

If We Died With Him--Died How

If Miracles Have Ceased--the Implications

Is Holy Spirit Baptism The Baptism That Saves?

God's Willingness to Forgive

Abraham's Faith (Faith Accounted for Righteousness)

He Rejoiced Greatly Having Believed In God

The Case of Cornelius and the Holy Spirit

The Church As The Family of God -- Things Found in It

Denominationalism's Attitude Toward Peter

Are Paul's Writings as Authoritative as Jesus' Words?

Gospel Obedience at Corinth--What Really Happened?

Peter's Preaching and the Apostle's Preaching

Work Out Your Own Salvation

Jesus Defines Repentance

Is Denominational Baptism Scriptural

Mary of Bethany--Doing What You Can

The Place of Hate in a Christian's Life