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Table of Contents

A Good Conscience

Baptized For The Dead

Behold The Judge Is Standing At The Door

Bible Contradictions on Salvation

Christ Did Not Send Paul to Baptize

Christian Circumcision

Circumcision and Baptism

Did God Know Adam and Eve Would Sin

Diotrephes Loves to Have The Preeminence

Disrespect For The Word of God is Disrespect for Jesus

Does Sin Even Exist

Everlasting Life - The Believer of John 3:16

How Was Noah Saved Through Water

Is Baptism For Repentance

Is Today Yesterday - America and Corinth

Jesus As The Bread Of Life

Jesus and Gay Marriage

Jesus and Tolerance - The Narrow Gate

King Saul--As Long As It Glorifies God

Living in Grace Day by Day

Love Versus Love

More Troubling Than Gay Marriage

Must We Seek God

On Matt. 5:22-24 - Part I - Anger

On Matt. 5:22-24 - Part II - The Sin of Contempt - Verbal Abuse

On Matt. 5:22-24 - Part III - Calling Another a Fool

On Matt. 5:22-24 - Part IV - Reconciling With a Brother

Pilate's Question and Postmodernism

Preaching on Hell - Then and Now

Pregnancy, Prayer, and Abortion

Psalm 8:3-4 - What Is Man

Psalm 1:1-2 - Blessed Is The Man

Psalms 7:11 God is Angry

Rebellion Against The Word of God in America

Receiving The Gospel - Acts 2:41

Seeking Repentance 

Sinning Without Law

The Failure of Faith - Solomon - Part I

The Failure of Faith - Lessons Learned From Solomon - Part II

The Hem of His Garment

The Real Motive

The Sin of Being Deceived

Things God Hates From the Psalms and Proverbs

Thinking on Bible Translations

Abel's Sacrifice by Faith Versus Cain's Sacrifice

God's Hardening of the Human Heart

God's Plea - Be Reconciled to God

Ashamed of Jesus and His Words

The Conversion of Lydia -- Acts 16:13-15

More on Peter's First Sermon -- Calling On the Name Of The Lord

I Don't Go To Church Much Anymore

10 Things If Baptism Is Not Essential For Salvation

The Prodigal Son -- When He Came to Himself

Can One Be Just A Christian Without Being In A Denomination

Ignorance Does Not Excuse Sin

Willful Sin--Can Anyone Be Save

Paul's Conversion--How Justified by Faith

Running From God

The Catholic Doctrine Concerning Scripture and Tradition

Saved By Faith Alone in Acts 2