In Luke 9:26 Jesus made
the following statement, "For whoever is ashamed of Me and My words, of
him will the Son of Man be ashamed when He comes in His glory, and the glory of
the Father and of the holy angels." (NAS)
There are two things here that we are told we must avoid if we are to keep
Jesus from being ashamed of us in the day he returns to judge the world in
righteousness (Acts 17:31) – (1) being ashamed of Jesus and (2) being ashamed
of the words of Jesus.
We might well ask what
is there about Jesus to be ashamed of.
The answer is obvious, nothing at all.
But lest we think we are clear on this count and before we begin to pat
ourselves on the back thinking we are not ashamed of him let us think a little
deeper about the matter. Is Jesus just
talking about our state of mind about him when he gives this warning against
being ashamed of him? I think not.
Jesus made another
statement found in Matt. 10:32-33 which I believe ties in with the Luke 9
passage just quoted above. He says, "Everyone
therefore who shall confess me before men, I will also confess him before my father
who is in heaven. But whoever shall deny
me before men, I will also deny him before my father who is in heaven."
(NAS) It is easy to say to ourselves I
am not ashamed of Jesus and mean it but as the American idiom goes "when
the rubber meets the road" and we should speak of Jesus, speak up and be
heard when that test comes, is it not true that too often, maybe most all of
the time, we hold our silence and fail to speak on his behalf? I think that is generally true.
We do not speak because
we do not want to be embarrassed or shamed by the world that ridicules faith in
Jesus thus we are more concerned about receiving honor from men rather than the
honor that comes from God alone. We do
not speak because we do not want to contend earnestly for the faith (Jude
3). We do not speak because we do not
want to wield "the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God."
(Eph. 6:17 NAS) We want to just get
along. As the saying goes there are two
things you do not talk about lest you get into a fight--religion and
politics. However, man said that not God. Jesus never held his peace and he was
continually involved in verbal fights.
Yes, I am sure there is
a time and a place for such discussions of Christ. But here is the problem--we never find the
right time or place do we? It is like
the right time and place never arises with us.
It is out there somewhere but we just never have found it and unless our
hearts change we never will find it. The
bottom line is we are embarrassed or ashamed to talk of Christ to others unless
we know them very, very well (immediate family?) and have judged what we think
their reaction will be beforehand.
Others may know we are believers for we attend services regularly but
they would never know it by our talking about Jesus.
Contrast that with
Christ while he was on earth. Every day
he was talking religion, talking of God his Father, talking of faith and
obedience and God's will for man. Every
day he was into discussions and often arguments with men over religion. Is he our example? Will we follow that example? Are we afraid too? Who are we more afraid of—other people or
That said there were two
parts of the verse we are discussing, Luke 9:26. We are also warned against being ashamed of
the words of Jesus. There are far more
people who are willing to confess Jesus before men and uphold his honor in that
regard than there are people who are willing to accept his words.
First of all, I want all to understand that the words of Jesus are not just confined to the words printed in red in your New Testament. Jesus, in John 16, spoke of the coming of the Holy Spirit and said this, "He will guide you into all the truth; for He will not speak on His own initiative, but whatever He hears, He will speak; and He will disclose to you what is to come. He shall glorify Me; for He shall take of Mine, and shall disclose it to you." (John 16:13-14 NAS) What was Jesus' that the Holy Spirit was to disclose? The words of Jesus.
My copy of the original ASV of 1901
New Testament has on its title page these words: "The New Covenant
commonly called The New Testament of Our Lord and Savior Jesus
Christ." That is what it is
exactly. Every word on its pages came
from Jesus either directly or indirectly through the Holy Spirit.
Great indeed is the
number of those who claim to be Christians that will not believe but parts of
the word and are thus ashamed of the words of Jesus. How many denominationalists will ever preach
what Peter preached, by means of the Holy Spirit, in Acts 2;38, "Repent,
and let each of you be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness
of your sins"? (NAS) They are
ashamed of those words of Jesus and do not believe them and will not abide in
them and will not teach them. To them
those gathered on that Pentecost day were saved the minute they repented and as
they would put it "received Jesus into their hearts" so you
cannot believe these words about baptism for the forgiveness of sins that Peter
spoke on behalf of Christ.
You can go to other
passages and try and convince them. For
example, Ananias told Saul, "Arise, and be baptized, and wash away your
sins, calling on His name." (NAS)
To them, Ananias did not know what he was talking about Holy Spirit or no
Holy Spirit for they say baptism cannot wash away sins even if God says it can. To them, the Holy Spirit should have worded that passage differently.
Peter says, by the Holy
Spirit, "baptism now saves you" (1 Peter 3:21 NAS) but not with them
for they will not believe the words of Jesus and are ashamed of all such as related to baptism. Even when Jesus spoke directly on the
subject, "unless one is born of water and the Spirit, he cannot enter into
the kingdom of God" (John 3:5 NAS) it is not accepted. Of such people, it will never be said of them
that they obeyed Jesus who said, "If anyone keeps my word he shall never
see death." (John 8:51 NAS) His
word is what they are not keeping. This
is only an example, one topic, where people are ashamed of the words of Jesus,
even religious people.
I will say this; it is
not easy to live up to the demands found in this Luke 9:26 passage. It takes courage, great courage, to speak of
Jesus to others and defend the words of Jesus.
It takes great courage to overcome the fear of contention, fights,
debates, and strife that will naturally arise when one does speak up and does
not hold his peace.
I am reminded, however,
of the passage found in Matt. 10:34-36 where Jesus said, "Do not think
that I came to bring peace on the earth; I did not come to bring peace, but a
sword. For I came to set a man against
his father, and a daughter against her mother, and a daughter-in-law against
her mother-in-law; and a man's enemies will be the members of his
household." (NAS) We all want peace
but each of us has to make up his/her mind as to where we prefer that peace--here
or the hereafter. Which will last the
Jesus suffered a violent
death and it was because he spoke up and did not hold his peace. Most historians think most of the apostles
suffered similar fates and we know from history of burnings at the stake and
violent deaths of many early Christians.
Again it was not because they held their peace but because they spoke
up. They were not ashamed to speak up
for Jesus and were not ashamed of his words.
It takes strength to
defend the very words of the New Testament, the words of Jesus. The Holy Spirit, speaking through Paul, said
clearly, "The time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but
wanting to have their ears tickled, they will accumulate for themselves
teachers in accordance to their own desires; and will turn away their ears from
the truth, and will turn aside to myths." (2 Tim. 4:3-4 NAS) Many seem to feel that day is still in the
future. They are wrong. It may continue to get worse but that day is
already here. Here is the proof.
People commonly believe
that people in and from every denomination will be saved thus proving Paul's
point when he said "they will not endure sound doctrine." Follow the train of thought here. If people are saved from every denomination,
all teaching different doctrines, then there is no such thing as sound
doctrine. If one denominational doctrine
is as good as another there is no such thing as sound doctrine or enduring
sound doctrine. That being the case what
Paul prophesied is already here and does not need to await the future.
One can take the commonly
accepted stance that the church of which one is a member does not matter and
all will speak well of him, they will be glad to hear he feels that way. One can take the stance that baptism is not
for the remission of sins and receive the applause of men. But, that will not change what the Bible says
about either of those subjects.
"Woe to you when all men speak well of you, for in the same way
their fathers used to treat the false prophets." (Luke 6:26 NAS) What we ought to do is quit being ashamed of
the words of Jesus and start following them.
If Jesus is ashamed of
us on the last day we are not going to be saved. Most who read this article probably have
children. How would a parent feel, how
does one feel, when his children are ashamed of him and his words? Now apply that to how Jesus must feel when we
are ashamed of him and his words. There
can be little doubt it hurts him deeply.
We all need to take Luke 9:26 to heart and do better. It will take a great deal of strength and courage, even faith, to do so. It will also take love for God. Do we have what it will take and will we do it? That is the question we all must answer.
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