If we believe the Bible is the word of
God why do we often interpret it in a way that makes it contradict
itself? Truth is harmonious or else it's not truth and cannot be.
Jesus says of God's word, "Your word is truth." (John 17:17) It
does not oppose itself when properly interpreted.
Martin Luther was persuaded he had found
contradiction in the Bible between what Paul wrote in Romans about salvation
being by faith versus James saying works were necessary. In an online
article (online at the time I originally wrote this) entitled, "Martin
Luther's View of the Epistle of James" by Daniel Petty he says, "Once
Luther remarked that he would give his doctor's beret to anyone who could
reconcile James and Paul (Bainton 259)." (Petty's source: Bainton, Roland H., Here I Stand: A Life of Martin Luther, New York: New American
Library, 1950; 1978.)
Martin Luther's doctrine does indeed make
Paul and James contradict one another. That fact alone ought to tell you Luther
was wrong in his theology no matter how sincere. Any time your doctrine makes the Bible
contradict itself this tells you if you will listen, that your doctrine is in
error, that you are wrong in your thinking, and need a new approach to
understanding the scripture.
In the first place, we error when we speak
of the word of God as though it came from man even though I concede we
generally know what is meant by such statements. But, the reality is it
is not Paul's word, then James' word, and then Peter's, etc., for "all
scripture is given by inspiration of God." (2 Tim.
Thus if Paul says we are saved by faith
and James says works are necessary then both are correct else you have God
fighting against himself. Even worse you have God lying in one place or
the other if either Paul or James is wrong. If both are correct truth is
harmonious as it must be.
Everyone agrees the New Testament is full
of passages that teach that a man is saved by faith so I will only list a couple. "He who believes in the
Son has everlasting life." (John 3:36 NKJV) "Therefore, having
been justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus
Christ." (Rom. 5:1 NKJV)
We all accept these passages and this teaching but too often people do not
consider or give thought to what faith is. Do these passages define
faith? Do they tell you whether this is a living faith or a dead faith as
per James? Is it an obedient faith or a disobedient faith? Is faith
just a matter of the mind alone, a belief held, or is it more than that?
The texts do not tell us.
The assumption is we know what faith is
and generally, that is whatever we each individually want it to be. We
define it as we desire. This creates a lot of problems in interpreting
the Bible; the result is we end up with doctrines that contradict the Bible.
Without preaching a sermon on faith to
define it let me refer you to James 2:22.
"You see that faith was active along with his works, and faith was
completed by his works." (ESV)
The scriptural biblical faith that saves
is that faith which is a completed faith, not an incomplete faith. Other versions use the word
"perfect" instead of the word "complete". It is the faith that is made perfect that
saves rather than the faith not made perfect.
The New Living Translation of the Bible,
which I consider a paraphrase, gets at the sense of what is being taught. "You see, he was trusting God so much
that he was willing to do whatever God told him to do. His faith was made complete by what he did--by
his actions." (James 2:22 NLT, 1996 edition)
This is saving faith, the faith that
saves, the only kind of faith that makes a difference, the only concept of
faith we should hold, the only concept of saving faith that is scriptural. Only faith so strong that it obeys can save
but this is the very concept of faith that is wanting among large numbers of
James then says by inspiration that we
are saved by works. "You see then that a man is justified by works,
and not by faith only." (James
Jesus has said we will be judged by his
word on the last day. "He who
rejects Me, and does not receive My words, has that which judges him--the word
that I have spoken will judge him in the last day." (John 12:48 NKJV) If a person's doctrine does not allow for
salvation by both faith and works he is in error since the Bible states clearly
that one is saved by both. The passages quoted above suffice to show
But, one will object. How about
Eph. 2:8-9, "For by grace you have been saved through faith, and that not
of yourselves; it is the gift of God, not of works, lest anyone should
boast." (NKJV) Since the Bible, and truth, cannot contradict itself
it becomes immediately obvious that Paul is speaking of one kind of works while
James speaks of another. One type of works saves; the other does not and
The type of works that cannot save are
the works of the Law of Moses. Why could they not save? I quote
This being the case Paul writes in Gal.
3:21, "For if there had been a law given which could have given life,
truly righteousness would have been by the law." (NKJV) Since no
such law was given man could only be saved by Christ, by faith in him.
But, there are works other than the works
of the Law of Moses. These are the works James speaks of which bring justification.
What are those works? Hear the writer of the book of Hebrews.
The Hebrew writer says of Jesus,
"And having been perfected, He became the author of eternal salvation to
all who obey Him." (Heb. 5:9 NKJV) Paul who speaks so much of
salvation by faith and grace says in Rom. 6:16, "Do you not know that to
whom you present yourselves slaves to obey, you are that one's slaves whom you
obey, whether of sin to death, or of obedience to righteousness?"
Note his phrase, "obedience to righteousness." This is the same as to say obedience to
salvation for the righteous person will be saved, not the unrighteous.
It becomes clear then that the
works James speaks of that bring justification are works of obedience to Christ
and are the same as Paul’s “obedience to righteousness.” James' “works” and Paul’s “obedience” are equivalents,
one and the same.
Too many are ready to say that obedience
is more or less equivalent to law keeping. Since we are not saved by law
they do not see obedience as being essential. For example, from their
point of view, Christ commands baptism but one does not have to obey that to be
saved. To require it would be law keeping or salvation by works.
The trouble with that way of thinking is
that the idea is in conflict with passages such as those I have just quoted,
Hebrews 5:9 for example, where Christ is said to be the author of salvation to
all who obey him. If one's doctrine does not harmonize with total Bible
preaching on a subject it cannot be true.
The truth is Christ was also a lawgiver
and has a law we are expected to keep as much as we humanly can. Listen
to the following scriptures. "Bear one another's burdens, and so
fulfill the law of Christ." (Gal 6:2 NKJV) This is Paul's writing, the
very one who wrote of salvation by grace and faith. Paul says of himself,
"not being without law toward God, but under law toward Christ." (1
The Hebrew writer says, "For the
priesthood being changed, of necessity there is also a change of the law."
Jesus himself says, "He who has my
commandments and keeps them, it is he who loves me." (John
But, here is the difference. The Law
of Moses required perfect law-keeping for salvation which no man other than
Jesus ever did. The law of Christ, while
still law, provides a grace element for sin. The person, however, who
thinks he can forget all about the commandments of Jesus and just be saved by
grace and faith apart from works of obedience makes the scriptures contradict
themselves, invites lawlessness, and propagates error if he teaches such. The
scriptures are harmonious.
This brings us to the place where so many
want to kick and say it is not so -- to baptism. The Bible teaches we are
saved by baptism. "There is an antitype which now saves us, namely
baptism (not the removal of the filth of the flesh, but the answer of a good
conscience toward God), through the resurrection of Jesus Christ." (1
"Then Peter said to them, 'Repent,
and let every one of you be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission
of sins,'" while preaching the first gospel sermon ever heard after the
resurrection of Jesus (Acts
Saul was told, "Arise and be
baptized, and wash away your sins." (Acts
Jesus says, "Unless one is born of
water and the Spirit, he cannot enter the
Paul, the very man who speaks of
salvation by faith, although never faith alone, says, "For you are all
sons of God through faith in Christ Jesus. For as many of you as were
baptized into Christ have put on Christ." (Gal. 3:26-27 NKJV) Many
would have this read, "for as many of you as were not baptized into Christ
have put on Christ." Really! That
will not work. That is not what Paul said or taught.
Paul says in Rom. 6:3, "as many of
us as were baptized into Christ Jesus" so he says the same thing again
that he had said in Gal.
Salvation is "in Christ
Jesus". We are, Paul says, "baptized into Christ
Jesus." Thus if there is no baptism, there is no being in Christ
Jesus and no salvation which is found only in Christ Jesus.
One can believe it or not but make no
mistake about it, that is what God's word says and teaches. When God says
something we ought to believe it and obey it. One's sins are forgiven at
baptism which is the act where one contacts the blood of Christ spiritually
Jesus shed his blood in his death.
Paul says we are baptized into his death (Rom. 6:3) which is where Jesus'
blood is located for the simple reason that is where God chose to locate
it. No, there is no real blood in the water. No one ever literally
comes into contact with physical blood. But, figuratively or spiritually,
that is the place God chose for us to come into contact with the blood of the
cross for the remission of our sins.
In 2 Kings 5:11 (NKJV) we find a man by
the name of Naaman who wanted to be healed of his leprosy and thus came to
Elisha, God's prophet. He was told to go dip 7 times in the
Naaman wanted to be cleansed of his
leprosy but wanted it done his way and at first that did not include any
water. It was only after he decided to go about it in God's way that he was
cleansed. We ought to learn from that. If God wants water involved
in our cleansing from sin why should we object?
Why should we object to doing it God’s way?
So far I have not mentioned even one item
that conflicts with another in the teaching of God's word concerning those
things that bring about our salvation the reason being that everything God has
had to say on the matter works together in perfect harmony with everything else
he has had to say about it. Faith is not in conflict with works, is not
in conflict with obedience, and is not in conflict with baptism.
The word of God does not contradict
itself. Whatever the Bible says you are saved by, made righteous by,
justified by, is truth, and is essential to salvation. To say it is not is
to reflect upon the word of God. It is to set God's word aside to keep
one's own tradition, the tradition of men. Many have done that on the
subject of how a man is saved.
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